您好,飛龍旅遊 歡迎您


4 天團


6:00am | Richmond Hill | 9005 Leslie St (HWY 7 & Leslie, Tim Hortons门口)
6:30am | Scarborough | 8 William Kitchen Rd A, Scarborough (Foody World 超市门口)
7:00am | Downtown | 477 Dundas Street West (Tim Hortons门口)
7:30am | Mississauga | 1520 Aimco Blvd (Tim Hortons门口)
8:30am | 7:30am | Mississauga | 1520 Aimco Blvd (Tim Hortons门口)

美金$30/兒童 (4-12歲)
美金$25/兒童 (3-12歲)
美金$37/兒童 (6-12歲)
美金$48/兒童 (3-12歲)

所有門票價格均以美金計算,僅供參考, 如有變動以當時實際公佈價格為準.


  1. 出發日期之前三個星期報名,可享受晨鳥價折扣$10(或旅遊代金劵$20)或其他贈送
  2. 北美酒店房間不論人數,房型一樣;一般為單或雙床,三/四人房類別客人房不另加床;
  3. 本公司根據人數/天氣等情況,保留旅行團出發前更改日期,調整巴士,或取消該團的權利,如客人取消,本公司將只退回全額本金;
  4. 旅遊證件簽證等需自行負責,因個人原因不能入境,與本公司無關,將不能要求退款或轉團;出發日期因遲到或個人原因中途退出者,恕不退款或補償,敬請原諒; 
  5. 本公司擁有以上條款的解釋權;
2025 江南7日CAD-0 下載
2025 璀璨金钻 江南全景8日奢华游CAD(黑)-0(1) 下載
2025 九华山9日CAD-0(1) 下載
2025 黄山千岛湖9日CAD-0(1) 下載


Day 1 :
大多地區-美國紐約州 - 新澤西
In the early morning, pick up tourists from the Greater Toronto Area along the way; after passing through customs, enjoy the beautiful scenery of Upstate New York along the road; arrange rest and meals on the way. Arrive at WATERLOO / CROSSING PREMIUM OUTLET in the afternoon. You can buy New Year's clothes and gifts as much as you want. After dinner, arrive at the hotel at about 9:00 p.m. to rest.  
Day 2 :
新澤西 - 曼哈頓下城 - 自由女神 - 華爾街 - 世貿遺址 - 時代廣場 - 第五大道等
Depart from the hotel in the morning, go to the South Sea Fishing Port in Lower Manhattan to take a cruise, visit the Statue of Liberty, Alice Immigrant Island, the most The old Brooklyn Bridge, admire the skyscrapers of Manhattan. Afterwards, head to the World Financial Center - Wall Street, and the World Trade Center site, and you can also climb to the top of the new World Trade Center, the highest in the Western Hemisphere, for a glimpse of the mountains. Lunch is in New York's Chinatown, adjacent to Little Italy, where you can enjoy shopping and food at one go. In the afternoon, go to Midtown to visit the famous "Invincible" aircraft carrier and the Aviation and Space Museum. You will have the opportunity to board this sea giant and visit various carrier-based aircraft and even space shuttles. Free activities in the evening, you can walk to the bustling and bustling Times Square, visit the famous Madame Tussauds and other museums; or go shopping, sightseeing and have dinner at the famous brand stores around Fifth Avenue. Get on the bus at around 9:00 p.m. and return to the hotel. You can also stay in Times Square to enjoy the colorful nightlife in New York, and then return to the hotel by car.
Day 3 :
新澤西 - 洛克菲勒中心 - 曼哈頓上城 - 中央公園 - 大都會博物館 - 帝國大廈等

早上離開酒店再次前往曼哈頓島,在導遊的帶領下展開紐約中上城環遊:首先抵達洛克菲勒中心,您可登頂TOP OF THE ROCK, 飽覽四周鱗次櫛比的各處名景;之後環遊:林肯藝術中心、Dakota、自然歷史博物館、中央公園、大都會博物館、第五大道、帝國大廈,最後在世界上最大的百貨公司- 梅西百貨結束。您可自由安排參觀遊覽計劃。




Day 4 :
新澤西-免稅店 - 大多倫多區
After 10 am, return from the hotel. Arrive at the customs in the evening, shop and have a rest in the US and Canada duty-free shops before, arrive in the Greater Toronto Area in the evening, and end the happy and unforgettable New Year group.



